For a day or for
a lifetime.

Welcome to the website
of the municipality of Bärenstein.

In the middle of the Ore Mountains

At the bottom of the Bärenstein mountain
(898 m above sea level)

Christmas in the Ore Mountains

Bärenstein invites you...


In the middle of the ski resort
of the "Upper Erzgebirge".


     Munipolis - Die Gemeinde-Informations-APP 

Dear inhabitants and guests,

Welcome to the website of the municipality of Bärenstein at the bottom of the Bärenstein mountain (898m above sea level).

Our municipality is located in the middle of the UNESCO world-heritage montane region Ore Mountains/ Krušnohoří and it is an attractive travel destination at any time of the year with diverse tourist attractions.

Unique in Europe, the “Gemeinsame Mitte Bärenstein-Vejprty“ connects our municipality with the town of Weipert (Vejprty) in the Czech Republic since 2013. The common local centre is located exactly on the border of two municipalities and two countries and makes those borders disappear. With us you can experience the “European idea” live.

Together with our neighbouring municipality we form the administrative community Bärenstein-Königswalde, which makes it possible to bundle the administrative tasks of both independent communities. Several e-Government-functions on this website should make it easier for you do deal with the authorities.

I hope you enjoy your virtual or real visit to our community.

The mayor of Bärenstein
Silvio Wagner


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